So I had a dream the other night and it all led back to a scandal in Lincoln, Nebraska — home of the Cornhuskers — where the NU fan base was infiltrated by a devious Oklahoma resident. His goal was to bring down the Husker Dynasty. (As an aside, I checked the data and from 1961 through 1999, Nebraska had more wins than any other team in college football. That includes championship seasons in ’70, ’71, ’94, ’95, and ’97. I like to tell people that during the first five years of my older son’s life, the Huskers were 60 – 3. Not bad.)
You’ll hear more about the Huskers over upcoming months. The first game of the season is against the Minnesota gophers, in Minneapolis on Aug 31 (like in 2 months 10 days). We toyed with the idea of going to the game. My folks could drive up from La Crescent, and Michelle’s got a brother and sister-in-law who live in Minneapolis. Game ticket prices were too high, though, for an out-of-town game.
Oh, but back to the dream. Yes, a plot was afoot. Several Oklahoma folks (Sooners) infiltrated the Husker Fan base and convinced us (Huskers) that we should drop more games so that the fans would be even more excited when we do win. Sounds complicated and not a little obtuse.
It’s been a while since we’ve had a winning season. It occurs to me that some good has come out of it … I can now relate to other fans and say, “Now I know what Iowa State fans must have felt their whole lives.” (just kidding)
A couple of us (me and somebody) will be going to Lincoln for a couple of home games this fall. That will be fun. Lincoln is lovely in the fall. It’s roughly 20 hours of driving, one way. Likely to take the slightly longer route, going over to Kansas City and eating at Jack Stack’s (best barbecue in the country) before heading up and over to Lincoln. We’ll see.
New coach, new QB, new team. It’s been dismal the past few years (where few is equal to about 20). It’s time for the Red Sea to rise.
“Day by day (day by day!)… we get better and better (we get better and better) … till we’re a team that can’t be beat … (can’t be beat) … won’t be beat … (won’t be beat!)”
My wife and I visit with our grandkids as often as possible, and we’ve been doing some traveling (including Alaska four or five times in the past couple of years). We love Alaska and would move there in a heartbeat if it weren’t so far from our kids and grandkids (except for the ones that live here, of course). Every where you turn, there’s another photo op, a postcard of real life.
Just north of Anchorage … May, 2023
Rock-hopping in AlaskaCamping in Indiana on the way to RAGBRAI 2019Brothers and Placid Quake: Born to Be Wild, not in Alaska
I Laid an Egg on Aunt Ruth’s Head (humorous grammar/usage stories)
Aunt Ruth: Queen of English and Her Reign of Error (more humorous usage stories)
Off Balance (Joel’s faith journey through Parkinson’s Disease)
Spoonful of Dirt (first in a series of Johnny Stevens adventures. Johnny was Joel’s great-grandfather, and much of this is about growing up in Iowa and Nebraska. Historical fiction, family safe. This book is about the family’s last year in Iowa.
Tracks in the Snow: Johnny’s family moves by covered wagon in a trip taking twenty-three days from eastern Iowa to western Nebraska. The trip was fraught with adventure.
Saving Arapahoe (coming soon!): The town is under threat of an Indian (Lakota Sioux). Pa (Johnny’s dad, my great-great grandfather was one of three men who organized an infantry of 120 men and boys). Again, full of adventure … I tried very hard to give the Indians and white men equal treatment. There was good and bad on both sides.
You will find more descriptions at Gennesaret Press (Gennesaret is used in the Bible, and it’s another name for the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus walked on the water and calmed the storm.)
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!
So … this isn’t really my first post, but it’s true that I don’t really know what I’m doing. I posted articles year ago, back before I discovered I didn’t have enough time. It takes a lot of time raising a family, you know. Now I’ve got grandkids, and that keeps me busy too. Besides, writing is a hobby, not a living (thank goodness, or I’d have starved years ago).
I like to write because it’s something I can still do (effectively), I’m good at it (okay, maybe too much braggadocio (sp?), but I’m confident at it), and I know people care about what I have to say. Ouch! I strained my shoulder patting myself on the back. Enough of this.
This blog will be mostly about English grammar and word usage, but we’ll see how it goes. If Nebraska football does well this fall, you may be hearing more about us (Uh, I mean “them.”)